What is Alcohol Infused Popcorn

Interested in learning what alcohol infused popcorn is? It’s Friday night, you like to have a glass (or two!) of cocktail to cap off a long, tiring work week. You’re not exactly the DIY type so the idea of concocting your own drink at home turns you off. However, the idea of a crowded bar makes you want to just stay at home. But still, you deserve that drink! You worked very hard and need to unwind. Against all odds, you head off with your friends, have a cocktail (maybe two or three – who’s counting?!), and enjoy the night.

You regret this decision first thing in the morning when you wake up because of a terrible, terrible headache. You spend the rest of the day nursing a hangover, and you can’t do anything else anymore. Although it’s Saturday, Netflix looks like the best option. But you really need that alcohol fix! We got you!

The only thing better than drinking alcohol is eating it! So, what do you think about alcohol infused popcorn? With this snack, you can get the kick without the buzz! There are people who love caramel popcorn, some like a more savory flavor like bacon cheddar popcorn.

Here are some alcohol infused popcorn flavors you can choose from: champagne, whisky, rosé, salt and tequila, sangria, Henessy or Henessy VSOP or Henessy and Vanilla, Ciroc Pineapple or Summer Watermelon, Patron Lemon and so many more.

Popcorn is infused with popcorn during the popping process. The alcohol is burned off during the process and only the flavor remains. Either fortunately or unfortunately, there won’t be any buzz or drunkeness happening with alcohol infused popcorn. All types of alcohol is used to flavor the popcorn so you are able to taste the delicious alcohol flavor without the hangover.

You can check out a variety of these alcohol infused popcorn flavors online and have them delivered at your doorstep where you can enjoy a wild weekend night without worrying about the consequences in the morning! Check out these great air popcorn poppers.


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